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HackForChange is a specialised volunteering opportunity for the experts with sound knowledge of technology. It is being organised in partnership with UxHack.

The objective of HackForChange is to support NGOs/social enterprises with following towards their existing website.

  • General UX (User Experience) feedback - A UX Audit 
  • Improving existing user journey for more sign ups, transactions.
  • Improving a NGO's website's navigation
  • Improving the Information Architecture (IA)
  • Identification of new features and user flows for retention and engagement

The recent HackForChange was concluded on Jun 30, 2018 in Delhi thereby supporting NGOs Safe, Udayan Care and The MagicBus providing them with digital solutions of general UX and improving user journey for more sign ups and transactions. These 3 NGOs were short-listed from a list of 30 organisations who had registered in Delhi. 

Upcoming HackForChange will be organised in December in Delhi and the registration for organisations is ongoing in full swing here.

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