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Skill Marathon is a unique 'Done in a Day' model of volunteer engagement, where volunteers and NGOs come together on the same platform to brainstorm and work on several NGO needs. As the name suggests, it uses the unique marathon model to leverage competitive spirit of participants creating a highly productive volunteer environment to achieve maximum social impact in a limited time.The volunteers finish and handover the completed projects to the concerned NGO on the same day. Skill Marathon gives an opportunity to volunteer to see the live impact and effectiveness of their efforts. Not only this, it provides a unique platform for a long term volunteering opportunity with the NGO. Since Pro Bono is the most effective way of volunteering, Skill Marathon hits right on the target to serve the needs of both the NGOs and the volunteers.

Partner NGOs for Virtual Skill Marathon 2021: each NGO has multiple Opportunities for Volunteers to participate. 

Key definers of a Skill Marathon

– Multiple skill-based projects

– Multiple volunteers

– Limited time (mostly within 48 hours)

– Co-located / multiple locations simultaneously

Since 2015, iVolunteer has organised dozens of Skill Marathons completing hundreds of projects benefiting 50+ non-profit organisations. It continues to explore and build partnerships with professional associations/agencies and organisations to achieve its objective. 

If you are a volunteer or a NGO that wishes to participate in Skill Marathon then register yourself with iVolunteer.

Partner Call: If you are a group of volunteers / professional organisation / professional agency/corporate who wish to accept a challenge like 'Skill Marathon', Contact Us and we'll be delighted to design one with you.                                                     

To get a glimpse of previously organised skill marathons by iVolunteer, click here

Skill Marathon 2018 | HackForChange: Organisations such as Safe, Udayan Care and Magic Bus were provided with digital UX solutions for improving user journeys for better engagement. It was organised in partnership with UxHack. For details, please click here

ProBono Week 2018 Skill Marathon: iVolunteer partnered with #GodrejVolunteers to commemorate the Pro bono Week with a Skill Marathon hosted by Godrej in Mumbai.


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Upcoming Skill Based Volunteering Projects

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