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21 DIYs to Volunteer From Home
You're home; You have time; most importantly, You want to help! Heres a list of 21 DIY (do it yourself) ideas for Volunteer From Home (VFH) ( take on work from home ). Lets get started and make 21 count for something good (also see iVolunteer.in/goVirtual for existing volunteering opportunities)
Tring!! Tring!! Are you willing to make 21 phonecalls to different NGOS? Understand from them what their volunteering needs are in detail? If yes, we will walk you though what needs to be done and you can get calling. Each call, of max 21 minutes, helps an NGO reach out to thousands who can engage with them and help. You will also get the opportunity to learn about the various causes that NGOs are trying to address in your city. Apply now
Party Carona: Identify 21 friends who can volunteer – get them to pick one of the online opportunities here or anything they have done in their community and organise an online sharing party. Grab your favourite drink from your fridge, put on your favourite music and share. Share the volunteering experiences you gathered on blog.iVolunteer.in - we'll make you an author
- just drop an email.
I am a social media junkie - for a good cause: Create 21 pieces of good content for your favourite cause - a simple poster, an emotional post, an interesting data point …anything about the cause that you feel strongly about. Post it and tag us - we'll share with our partner NGOs working on that cause. Interest, Apply Now
A grocery bag a day, keeps the elders away - from corona: Make a few bags of rice and dal and leave it with the vendor on your street, your doodhwala/paperwala to give it in their communities. Going shopping online or on ground - order some extra & share in your neighbourhood. Take a pic and share with us so we can inspire others. Lets Go, apply now.
Once upon a time ... Read and record 21 short stories for visually impaired children. Stories from the panchatantra, Jatka tales, Aesop’s fables…anything at all. Lets get started Apply now - send us the audio files and we will share with those that work with visually challenged children. Get creative and engage your family and kids for role-plays
My dear Munni, Write a letter to a young child about your life, your career, anything interesting in your life, take a pic and tag us - Get Started. We will share your story with children in different NGOs. Nothing like a real story of a real person.
All Play and no work..makes a virus happy : Create online worksheets in Math and Science for children. Take simple concepts, make them fun and interesting. Share the same with us so we can pass on to education based NGOs … so that they have ready tools to engage the children they support. Begin here
Lights, camera, action! Tell a story into a camera, sing a song, share a joke - NGOs working with children and elderly in homes and hospitals will have a good time. Apply Now
Every day is DOCTORS DAY: These are tough times for all healthcare professionals. Gather friends online, collect thank you messages, make a collage (online), and share it on social media, tag us. Begin by applying here
Jaadu ki (virtual vaali) Jhappi: Send virtual hugs to people who are ill, alone and afraid. Take a selfie, a video and share widely - tag us - Apply and get started
Now, this is a Shirt; Now, this is a bag: Make cloth bags out of old T shirts and distribute them. Lots of videos online on how to make them. Share your own video with us and your friends. Lets go
Write, Rewrite, recreate: Can you go through the website content of an NGO and help rewrite the content for better? Get started with us & we'll find you websites to write for
What is your mother tongue? Help translate content from your mother tongue to English or vice-versa. Apply now to connect you with NGOs that need translation help
Consider yourself a Management guru? NGOs work with a thousands of beneficiaries and often struggle to manage information. You can help them with MIS templates - create one and Apply Now and we will help connect a specific NGO
Happy New (financial) Year: Help an NGO with their strategic plan for the new year. Create a template for planning first and Apply here to connect you with an NGO working on your preferred cause
Pitch perfect: Good with creating presentations? This is for you. Create winning presentations for NGOs that they can use. Think of your favourite cause and apply here - we will connect you to an NGO that can benefit
HR expert? heres a challenge
- think beyond financial rewards and help NGOs reward and retain outperforming social wokers and attract many more. Develop comprehensive appraisal systems for NGO staff Apply here and we will connect you to those that need help.
HELP ME HELP THEM!: Design and develop a marketing plan for an NGO and help execute it. Helping with marketing needs an in-depth understanding of an organisations purpose, services and target audience - but you know that already :) So think of causes that most interest you and Apply Here - we will connect you to an NGO that can test your marketing skills
Paisa to haath ka mail hai & you're a financial geek: Do you know that NGOs also need to manage their finances - funds flow, investment ... just like any other organisation. Corona epidemic is already forcing many NGOs to rework their finances; and, you can help!
Design is my DNA: community serving organisation serve people and causes that need our support the most. Yet they can't pay for creatives and catalogies for their products and services. Your designs can boost their reach. Share templates for product and service brochures - with examples of good photos, sample description & taglines. Apply here and we can connect you to specific NGOs or even host your templates on our resource section.
Lets (re)cycle: You are aware of the urgent need to reduce, reuse and recycle to save our Earth from further damage. Find those old, unwanted and unable stuff hidden in your home and get recycling - make paper bags for your negihbourhood kirana store, fashion old CDs into funky coasters, make cloth masks, turn bottles and vessels into pots and develop your green space ... lots of ideas out there AND
its an awesome family activity - Apply now and we'll get you started
You have an awesome 'Volunteer From Home' idea? email us or post on social media and tag us - it may even join the list above!!