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Resources on volunteering

Announcement: Free Volunteer Management System (VMS) account for partner NGOs to recruit new volunteers and manage existing ones. Partner and request for a demo NOW!

iVolunteer, as a thought leader for volunteering in India, is committed to deepening the understanding of volunteering and leveraging it to create an enabling environment for volunteers and organisations engaging them. Its work towards this is broadly categorised under 3 pillars:

  1. Publish research and studies conducted by itself and in partnership with other entities;
  2. Undertake capacity building initiatives including trainings, workshops and roundtable discussions for NGOs, businesses, industry associations, government bodies, academic institutes, volunteer leaders and relevant organisations.
  3. Curate knowledge and resources available through partnerships and on public platforms for reference by practitioners of volunteering

This section will enlist such resources. Do Share additional resources which you believe should be listed here. If you need support organising a Training on Volunteer Management, just get in touch!

Publications by iVolunteer:

National, Regional and Global reports and publications on volunteering

Volunteer Management Tools

Templates & other resources for Shared Use by volunteers and non-profits 

(Important: Please read the Disclaimer note at the end of this page before using these resources)

Listed here are common resources for use by volunteers, NGOs, citizen groups and communities. While these are free and open for any non-commercial usage, please do acknowledge our volunteers and iVolunteer for making these available. We recommend using the below statement on your website, newsletter, emailer or social media when sharing the resource.  

Statement of acknowledgement: <Name of the resource> is provided with support from iVolunteer.in and contributed by <name of the original contributor to iVolunteer where applicable>. For more resources, see: www.iVolunteer.in/resources 

Annual Report Templates 

for non-profits (contributed by our volunteer Leeba Rajprasad): Checkout Aura Template 1 Aura Template 2 Aura Template 3

Child Protection Policy

Many social initiatives involve workig with children. The Child Protection Policy of Dream A Dream, one of India's leading organisations working with children may be a useful reference for those working with chlidren. Our gratitude to: Dream A Dream

COVID-19 Resources

Audio Stories for children - Folk stories in multiple Indian lanugages and dialects, contributed by volunteers

English Stories: on Google Podcast, Spotify or Anchor

हिंदी कहानियां सुनें : Google Podcast, Spotify या Anchor पर 

Children's playlist on iVolunteer YouTube channel

Disclaimer: The resources listed in this section include those available in public domain, or, shared by volunteers and non-profits. While we do the basic screening, we depend upon the contributors sharing these resources. Users should use their own descretion while referring to these resources. Users also indemnify iVolunteer from any trademark, copyright, intellectual propoerty, other responsibility and / or damages arising due to these resources.

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