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iVolunteer relief and rehabilitation programs for corona affected people and communities
Covid 19, popularly known as Corona virus, presents us with unprecedented challenges. We are constantly learning and updating our response to the changing situation on the ground. Here's what you can do, in short:
Be safe. If you keep safe, you can help others else you add to those who need help. If you are volunteering in person, do read our Guidelines for Corona Volunteers.
- goVirtual. We have always supported Virtual Volunteering. But #socialdistancing and #workfromhome have ensured that this is our most practical and popular initiative right now. Also, Check our 21 ideas to Volunteer From Home - and suggest what can we add therein
- Verified Help List of medical and administrative support for the affected: We are constantly working with our volunteers and partners to update a list of relief and support initiatives - you can help us keep this updated and help others by using and sharing it widely.
- Pro bono support: We are undertaking probono projects to support other organisations and initiatives which are providing relief and rehabilitation to those affected. iVolunteer also signed the Statement to Fight Covid19 by Global Pro Bono Network, along with fellow leaders and organisations from across the world.
- Mission Oxygen: Contribute to our Mission Oxygen campaign to help provide oxygen to critical patients
Previous relief campaigns in 2020.
- Help deliver ready meals and snacks - iVolunteer has partnered with
- I-PAC to serve fresh meals from Swiggy kitchens to support lakhs of affected people; and
- Burger King to serve veg burgers thousands of policemen, health service professionals, and municipal workers on duty to serve the society
- Contribute to supply essentials and food ration for relief to the underprivileged and marginalised communities in remote cities and remote town and villages
- Support migrant laborers: As Corona hit India and as the 1st #juntaCurfew was announced, most of us were worried and confused. But no one predicted the biggest challenge we have faced since - the plight of migrant labourers, their exodus from employment hubs, the lack of transport, food, and shelter, and how they have been turned off from one checkpoint to another. The situation demands basic and fast relief in the remote villages, deserted highways, and border checkpoints. Read how iVolunteer together with our India Fellow network is working to provide direct cash relief to migrant families. This is the rarest of rare times when iVolunteer seeks more than your time - donate now.
Tell us how you can help other than these and we’ll try our best to be of service.
And share your stories of volunteering, your feeling of joy in helping others, your moments of hope and inspiration! We all need it more than ever. Email us or tag us on your social media posts.