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Green Guardians
Welcome to the Green Guardians application page, our newest segment of the iVolunteer Awards, in partnership with YuWaah (Generation Unlimited in India) at UNICEF!
It celebrates the passion and dedication of India's youth who are leading the charge for a greener tomorrow.
This category honours and supports young volunteer leaders between 14 - 29 who are actively creating and implementing solutions that blend STEM, climate action, gender equality, and well-being.
We will shortlist 10 exceptional individuals to be given the title of ‘Green Guardians’
What Does It Mean to Be a Green Guardian?
- Influencer Partnerships: If selected as a Green Guardian, your project will receive support from a digital influencer who will amplify your work on social media.
- Video Features: You will be visited by the iVolunteer Awards team who will cover your work on video to be showcased at the iVolunteer Awards ceremony.
- Volunteer Mobilisation: Our team will also support you to motivate and mobilise more volunteers for your cause.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain recognition for your extraordinary efforts. Apply now or nominate someone who deserves to be highlighted!
Evaluation criteria:
- The positive impact made on the community or organisation
- Evidence of initiative and innovative approaches
- Commitment of the volunteer
- Sustainability of the project post the volunteering period has ended
- Duration of the service and total number of volunteer hours contributed
- Demonstrated ability to mobilise others for a cause and inspire more volunteers
If you know someone who deserves to be in the spotlight, Nominate them today!
Eligibility criteria:
- Indian citizens, aged 14 - 29 can apply for Green Guardians
- Working in the space of green solutions with intersecting lenses of STEM, climate change, gender equality and well being
- Only volunteering efforts done from January 2023 to December 2023 will be considered
To Apply for the Green Guardian Category
In case you have any difficulties in filling the application form, write to us at: