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Organization Profile

Give Foundation


We at GiveIndia, aspire to change the inequality by bringing together the people who want to give and the organizations that work to make a difference. “The idea of GiveIndia was born very simply to bridge the gap between two sets of people - people who want to give, who want to try and make a difference along with those who are doing phenomenal work but don’t know how to reach out to the people who want to support them.” - Venkat Krishnan, Founder- GiveIndia The consequences of poverty are manifold and it impacts families through generations. An intervention at the right time, like educating one generation or providing livelihood to increase income can help families break the cycle of generational poverty. India is population rich. Our people are our resources and if each one of us commits to giving regularly, we will be strong enough to solve our problems. We could even be audacious enough to say that we as a community may not need any aid if we make giving a way of life.

Bengaluru, 560034

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