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Organization Profile

kalpa raksha educationl and charitable trust (R)


KALPA RAKSHA EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST was formed in the year 2014 in order to realize the dreams of a small team of persons who visioned a better tomorrow for the poor down trodden street children facing abuses such as child labour and commercial sex trafficking. These persons believed that there is an abundance of potential in every child that should be trapped and canalized in the right direction, and strived towards arranging the resources required to fulfil their objectives. Our organization aims to promote and make education reachable to the poor students in the rural sectors and also concentrate on health, rural development activities and overall upliftment of the standerd of living in rural sector. Whereas in furtherance of its objectives the Trust aspire to set up the school, vocational training centres, hostels and higer education institution for the needy and deserving students. The Trust also accords importance to provide assistance and help to people affected by nature disasters and also provides facilities in rural hospital.

Bengaluru, 560096

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