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Organization Profile

Vivekananda Seva Sangham


Vivekananda Seva Sangham is a Non-Governmental organization whose primary purpose is to provide a home for the underprivileged kids and helpless elderly people. It was started (Regd No: 1887/82) in the year 1982 to provide education to the poor and meritorious children by paying for their fee, uniforms and any other academic necessities. We also encouraged social and cultural activities to the children after school hours. In 1999, when U.N declared the year as the year of the old aged, we started an old age home named as OM SAI SEVASHRAM which not only gave a ray of hope to the financially backward elderly people but also to those working husbands and wives to take care of their beloved parents which they can�t do as they are restricted by their jobs and other responsibilities.

Elderly people
Hyderabad, 500049

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