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Organization Profile

Sankalp Foundation


The mission of Sankalp foundation is to work amongst the deprived and underprivileged community to inspire and motivate them to realize their human dignity, develop their own capacity and help them solve their own problems. The organization strives to work for the social and economical development of the people by providing whatever practical help they need in the form of information, advice, capacity building, training and support. In order to realize its vision, the Sankalp Foundation endeavors to; Ensure availability of quality education at reasonable cost to the poor and marginalizedAbolish and prevent child labor, with special focus on rag pickersRealize healthwise, social and economic development of the underprivileged women in the slums Sankalp, with the meagre resources donated by individuals has been running two centres (school and orphanage) with the sole aim of empowering the children in distress. There are many more children whom Sankalp wishes to extend services to. Sankalp Foundation aims to reach maximum number of such children as early as possible, as their childhood can be protected before they grow into adults. The Sankalp Foundation is always grateful to all, especially our friends, donors and partners, who have generously contributed either in cash or kind for the successful working of the organization in all fields of development.

Child Welfare
Hyderabad, Telangana, 500050

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