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Organization Profile

We are a social venture with the belief that socio-economic empowerment of women begins with income generation and education. Safa introduces the urban illiterate women to sustainable livelihoods and supports them in the education of their children through an area based community model that retains the cultural and social identity of the women. In today’s social environment in Hyderabad, India, underprivileged women in the lower strata of society are financially dependent. Families are going through hardships unable to sustain themselves and their children owing to illiteracy and lack of proper skills Cost of living in metropolitan cities has furthermore decreased the economic status of large families. The women are handicapped in generating an acceptable family income and girl-child education became a luxury. As generations are changing, the majority of the girls in these families are remaining without any education. This is accelerating the scarcity of women workforce and results in more poverty and illiteracy rates.

Civic & Community
Hyderabad, 500028

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