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Organization Profile
SANKALPA Organisation
SANKALPA is a non-profit registered organization based out in the Davangere district of Karnataka. Since 2007. SANKALPA has been working towards fostering inclusive educational opportunities for children with Intellectual Disability (ID). Global Developmental Delay (GDD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Multiple Disability and Speech and Hearing Impairment and adults. It has also been contributing to their Early Intervention and Early Education rehabilitation & development.
Our Vision is “Every person with disabilities should be able to live an independent, confident and happy life in the society.” Our Mission is to arrive at our Vision through various sustainable Programs around Early Intervention, Early Education, Therapy, Advocacy and Networking.
SANAKALPA promotes Inclusive Education, Health and Ecosystem, by enhancing the capacities and build the capacity of NGOs, Government officials, caregivers, and other stakeholders SANKALPA have provided various community services for Children with Delay Development and other target group families from both rural and urban areas.
It also works closely with many organizations and networks in Davangere District and State for the access to and Rights of People with Disability as per the Disability Act 2016 and SANKALPA is also one of the RPD Act District level implementation committee members.
- 80G and 12AA,
- FCRA under process
- RPD Act: 51 and 52
- Guide Star India 12812.
- CSR, CSR00009452
- Udyam Reg of Enterprise UDYAM-KR-12-0014259.
- NGO Members of the RPD Act-2016 Davangere District Level Committee
Organisation Program:
- Early intervention Centre for Children with Delay Developmental disabilities
- Early education for language delayed children & special need support for Speech and Hearing Children.
- Parents Capacity building
- Disabilities Sensitisation for Community
SANKALPA Early intervention Centre for Children with Delay Developmental disabilities:
As an Early Education program, SANKALPA caters to children (with delayed development, Intellectual, autism, Specific Learning Disability (SLD) and Multiple Disability) through ensuring mainstream education challenges in the age group of birth to 18 years and adults. We have benefitted over 55 children and their families so far, with 60 children currently enrolled.
Our objective is to improve their functional literacy, self-care, effective communication and socialisation to promote their inclusion. Considering our high retention rate, we have consistently achieved over 70 to 80% improvements in every beneficiary, in all these areas.
Services by SANKALPA include:
- Early Intervention and Early Education for birth to -18 years of age
- Running an early Intervention Day Care Centre for Children for children with delay developmental disabilities and autism from the age of 2-15 years.
- Parents and Caregiver capacity building for rehabilitation across all rights
- Physical and Social Rehabilitation programs
- Sensitization program for different stakeholders
- Creating awareness of self-employment opportunities
- Sensitization, guidance and support to families and the community.