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Organization Profile



Soul of Braj federation is situated in Vrindavan. It is an NPO ( NON PROFIT ORGANISATION ) Section-8 Company in Vrindavan, Mathura District , Uttar Pradesh,and serving for underprivileged people with pure intentions. As per soul of braj has been centralized and trying to make positive approach on living standards of the economically poor as well as deprived people of braj by helping and providing them with basic health care facilities, sanitation, clean drinking water, hygiene food for all, basic education, basic health and community services. Our main purpose is to serve for underprivileged students and provide them with every basic need. We are to help and serve for Braj. We want to take the soul of braj federation up to heights. We are joining hands with cooperate sectors as well as want our branches globally. Our main vision I to be best non-profit organization in India. We are serving for the people. We are providing fabulous services in Braj region. Our Mission is to help and serve who need us. We stand with those who need u and we do everything, we provide basic education, food and many more things which are effective for deprived people in Braj.

Vrindavan, UTTAR PRADESH, 281121

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