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Organization Profile

Serve Humanity Serve God Charitable Trust

Serve Humanity Serve God Charitable Trust runs the Care Centreat Village Madanheri, Kharar, Punjab for caring for Spinal Cord injury patients.Serve Humanity Serve God came into existence in 2016 founded by Mr. Swaranjeet Singh, the president and Chairperson of the Trust.Our mission is to fulfill the basic needs of food, health, clothing, shelter, and education. We prioritize serving those in need with the limited funds and time we have. Every human being is equal to us, and we are dedicated to providing assistance and service to those in need in any form possible.As per Government records, in India, the average number of people with Spinal Cord injury disability is more than 1.5 lakhs and every year 20 thousand new patients are added to the list. Still, the situation is worse than projected due to a lack of data and information.So, we took the initiative to take care of these Spinal Cord Injured patients. They need intensive therapy and intensive counseling as SCI disrupts their everyday life, livelihoods, and relationships. Many SCI patients become suicidal. Worse, many succumb to fatal pressure sores, caused by the SCI.

Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, punjab, MOHALI, 140301

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