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Opportunity Details

Deliver meals for Covid relief

The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted immense misery and suffering on people. As a result common people, industries, educational setups and housing neighbourhoods face a complete lockdown. However, the country’s lifeline continues through the commitment of public service officials like policemen, health service providers and municipal workers - who soldier on fighting the most unexpected odds in these difficult times. There are also several marginalised sections of society who are facing tremendous food insecurity and need help.

To support those affected as well as those who continue to serve the society, iVolunteer sprung into action reaching out to its network of volunteers and partner organisations to understand where the need is most critical. It is now helping deliver meals to thousands of people every day in many cities across India.

Breakfast for Elderly with Tata Cha and Tata Tea Jaago Re - Bangalore

Tata Cha with TATA Tea Jaago Re is offering breakfast/snack & tea on the house for the elderly at its cafes in Indiranagar, Cunningham Road and Jayanagar in Bangalore. However, the lockdown has severely restricted movement of common citizens and elderly are more vulnerable in such circumstances. iVolunteer, therefore, is helping Tata Cha distribute amongst the communities in close proximity to the the above stores of Tata Cha. iVolunteer is receiving calls from the elderly from these locations in need of meal support and youth volunteers who want to sign up and help deliver to those affected by Corona lockdown. 

Volunteer with us, if you are a young person who is able to help deliver meals. You will need to strictly follow local administration guidelines taking personal precautions like avoiding personal contact, wearing mask and gloves, and sanitising hands frequently.
The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Elderly people, Civic & Community
Caring for People,Food Preparation & Meal Services,Disaster Services

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
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